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College Counseling

Past News

Video Series #11: You are admitted! How to make that college decision


Celebrate – You’ve been admitted to several colleges! Mrs. Nixon interviews Whitney Ramsay, from the Butler University, on the next steps in making that final choice.
click here to view this video

Video Series Episode #10: College Fairs and Visits


Mrs. Nixon explains the importance of college fairs, even in a virtual world, and the unique language associated with college admissions.

Video #10 click here

Video Series Episode #9: The importance of studies as a Freshman & Sophomore


In this episode, Mrs. Nixon interviews Lindsey Speer, from the Ball State University on the importance of Freshman and Sophomore year studies.
Why studying is important

Video Series Episode #8: The FAFSA Application


Mrs. Nixon provides helpful hints to get students started on their FAFSA applications. FAFSA applications open Oct. 1, 2020.

Video 8: The FAFSA